Fabrication services
Our fabrication expertise is world-class. We can call on around 200 specialist welders and skilled craft personnel to handle pipe or steel fabrication projects.
Our facilities at Pembroke Dock include four workshops: two large workshops for steelwork and pipework, an exotic materials workshop (stainless, aluminium, super duplex etc.) and an assembly / testing workshop for completing modular projects. We also have workshop facilities in Teesside for delivering fabrication of pipework or steelwork in the Northeast.
We deliver equipment in small components, or in larger modules for easier final assembly on site. Major components can be fitted out with final equipment including pipework links and electrical fittings. Our expertise in handling the movement of large modules includes arranging shipping from our own loading quay in Pembroke Dock or Teesside.
We also offer:
- Fabrication and installation of fired heaters and furnaces. Our fabrication service includes structural steelwork, refractory linings and process coils
- Coating facilities at our Pembroke Dock premises so all fabrication can be coated onsite saving transport time and streamlining the fabrication / coating activities
- Fabrication of pipework in glass reinforced epoxy (GRE) and glass reinforced plastic (GRP). We are accredited by major GRE pipe manufacturers to fabricate, bond and install GRE pipework. We also carry out inspection and testing of GRE and GRP installations.