
Decommissioning and disinvestment

Our work includes the decommissioning and disinvestment of plants so that redundant sites can be returned to brownfield conditions. This includes:

  • Characterisation of materials
  • Risk assessment and risk management
  • Detailed planning and preparation including physical survey work
  • CDM duty holder
  • Budget development
  • Engineering
  • Procurement of proprietary equipment
  • Pre-fabrication (in-house) of any specialist cradling or lifting rigging
  • Logistics and shipping
  • Placement and management of specialist sub-contracts
  • Waste management, asset sales and disposal.

All work carried out on site is done by directly employed teams. We assess the structural integrity of corroding and damaged plant, analyse and report on process residue in equipment, ducting and pipelines and clean and manage the disposal of effluent and residue.

We can develop comprehensive waste management plans for the pre-treatment and separation of various waste streams to optimise recycling and economic disposal and maximise asset value recovery.

Want to know more about our services?

Please do contact us to find out more about Ledwood and the services we can provide for you.